Part of our visions is to create a healthy ambiance for children's collaboration and social development through various competitions and engagements.

The plaguing under-utilization of art in our society, most especially in the aspect of drawing and painting has led to a massive level of discouragement to many young artists.

This concern, motivated the need for our Awakening Raw Talent Project which was purposely designed to promote inherent artistic abilities, enhance self-expression, individual craftsmanship and skills in youngsters between the age of 9-16.

The project, launched in September, we received amazing entries of drawings and paintings from different part of Nigeria with spectacular themes on our designated submission platform.

A team of veteran and established artists judged the submissions and quantified them with the criteria of concepts, originality, relevance and clarity. On 7th November, 2020.

We hosted the top 10 entrants as selected by the renowned judges at an Art Exhibition held at OHAA Crowns Art Gallery, Jericho, Ibadan.

At the exhibition , participants were awarded cash prizes, art materials and certificate of participation.

This event also made the news, click here to read more about the media coverage.